Course Options
Kindergarten (KG)
The Kindergarten Curriculum is based on the children's interests and learning needs, encompassing the UK KG (EYFS) learning outcomes that have been identified as supporting children in achieving as much as they can.
- Personal, Social and Emotional Learning
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
We provide a sound foundation of the four skills of language; speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Weemphasise that students develop these skills in English and Arabic (KG2) at their own pace and progress to reach age-appropriate achievement targets. We have a well-structured and well-paced reading programme, and maths is developed through the teaching of pre-number concepts and with a focus on hands-on experience. Science and awareness of the environment are developed by experiential learning, with educational trips reinforcing these concepts.
The main course books for core subjects are chosen from international/UK publications (with some school publications to supplement). Our detailed planning of the curriculum ensures continuity and progression of concepts and skills in each subject throughout the school. Projects, group games, and multimedia are used extensively to enhance the teaching and learning experience in class.
School publications are printed to support the practice and reinforcement of topics such as spelling, mental maths, and laboratory skills. Students will learn cursive handwriting through a pattern writing of curves and joints, and once these patterns have been mastered your child will have the skill base necessary, and be more confident, to form letters, numbers and symbols.
Students weak in English may be required to attend the English Language Learner’s (ELL) programme until they are ready to be integrated into the mainstream English lessons.